et JKP arrete de te prendre pour la fnac decouvreur de talent a la finale tu descredite unas avec ton attitude a la con
une petite insulte gratuite en passant, cela fait pas de mal, hein JeRe??
voila ou j'en suis
je lui ai repondu cela
your answer is very particular, a little bit aggressive. According to your criteria, unas is not chip, but your flyer of Data Airlines Festival and your website are not chip, too. In fact, you don't respect the spirit of the demo scene. It's the reason why i 'm going to call to boycott your festival.
bon forcement c mon style, que de la nuance, pas du tout énervant
et sa réponse
you are going to boycott our festival because we refuse to book your artist because we dont think he is good enough or suits the line-up? Go ahead be my guest! Btw, what do you know of the demoscene? never seen you around during the 12years+ ive been active.
Good luck with the boycott, watch out not to shoot yourself in the foot.
La fin de l'épisode bientôt