20h30 - 02h/ feel free to payLIVESScott Sinclair (aka Company Fuck) - LiveLaptop/Metal/Karaoke - uses his voice with metal objects (spoons, bells, clocks, etc.) to trigger and distort sounds switching between computer noise, grindcore, and top40 pop. Also runs the 'Half/theory' label.Listen: http://companyfuck.com/files/Company_Fuck_2006_Oslo_Sound_Of_Mu.mp3Aaron Hull - LiveLaptop/Electronics - works primarily with processed field and instrumental recordings to create an intimate electronic soundscape.Listen: http://halftheory.com/hull/Digit_Steam_Boat.mp3FRed Nipi - Live"le Pie XII du Harsh Noise Parisien"Zorba = 137 RUE DU FBG DU TEMPLE