Auteur Sujet: 6/01/07 : 3YEARS FULLDAWA : LIEGE/GELBIK  (Lu 2019 fois)


  • Vicomte des Abysses
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  • Messages: 372
6/01/07 : 3YEARS FULLDAWA : LIEGE/GELBIK « le: novembre 07, 2006, 01:26:23 am »
06/01/07 :: 3 YEARS Full Dawa @ Cornillon Liege

Acid/hardtek/hardcore/electronica/merdcore/dogcore/catcore/sheepcore and more puke

Acid/Hardtek :::

- BRZ LIVE (tdk recs. ) Nl
- Wsap (cyclone rec)
- D-fens( Noisy bastards )
- L-reak(33rpm)
- Rem ( Subversivefield/Metafist )
- Timo ( Kierwiet / NL )
- k.rol ( Pussie Traxes ) warm up electro/tekno
- AwaX ( fulldawa )

Breakcore/Hardcore ( Only Livesets!!! ) :::

- Kowareta Hyoushi LIVE ( restroom, scum, inv. wreck chords - DE )
- R A X Y O R LIVE ( Aekoto, berzerk produkts, hive, yomi - US )
- LAF-O LIVE ( smerk, heres my card records, god rekidz, pin:ksox - CAN )
- The depizgator LIVE ( BlotKlaatRave - PL )
- Baby Kruger LIVE ( Maldita - FR/BE )
- Paranoid vs Nevroza LIVE( Skyzophrenic zone )
- Wasted and rotten LIVE ( full dawa )
- Barakafrite LIVE( Fulldawa/Berzerk produkts )
- Sim on kor funkle LIVE ( Fulldawa/Berzerk produkts/silicium )

+ Alienation visuelle by K.meleo & Boa and Lobotomik Therapy ( Skz )

3rd room
- Benefit of the Boomerang ( nl )
- Skeudwalker( fulldawa )
- Harry Poppins
- Bioxyd
- Mozarfucker ( fr )
- Miss Manu
- Skar(Metafist)


- r a x y o r represents years of enlightened and wasted talent. What to expect is none less then heart shattering, baneful, noxious breakcore sliced, diced, and smashed into splinters just enough times for you to still hear the soul behind the mask of this mere mortal whom stands before you.

- Kowareta Hyoushi is doing experimental electronics with influences from both Breakcore and Drum & Bass influenced by the japanese culture. This project consists of two guys from Germany who found out having the same interests, which means broken beats and the japanese culture as well. As a consequence, their tracks sound like a mash-up of hard beats and crazy samples thrown together into a wok, mixed with soy sauce and finally served right onto the dish.
Kowareta Hyoushi are Yves Bierotte and Maurice Viehweger and they already released a 12” and single tracks on various CD compilations.

1996: Baby Kruger played in a rock-indus band from Bordeaux called Black Hole. The old Korg synthesizer and sampler became from this time her very first experimental tools.
In 1997, she grabbed the desks and became a skilled dj, managing her own parties. Then, she plugged her machines and played her live act all over south west of France. Learning music in the Conservatoire de Bordeaux electroacoustic class, she obtained an electroacoustic and computer aided music licence in 2004. Founding member of MALDITA records label and activist among the electronic organization NEUROSYSTEM, Baby Kruger is looking for the perfect crossover between experimental and dance music, for the everybody's pleasure.

- pzg aka depizgator 26years old, 80's dance maniac, member of blotklaat rave crew from Kracow Poland.sounds like samantha fox in perculator,raggadancecore,deathmetal mashupz etc.



+ Bourse aux vinyles (more infos soon)

AVec :

- Timeless Record shop
- Night on Earth Distro
- TDK distro
- Cyclone records shop

   for more infos contact
   and if you are a label ,a vinyls seller(new and second hand) or a records         shop and you are interested for a stand, contact us at this adress




  • Vicomte des Abysses
  • *
  • Messages: 372
6/01/07 : 3YEARS FULLDAWA : LIEGE/GELBIK « Réponse #1 le: décembre 07, 2006, 23:42:13 pm »
UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FLYER!!!

N'oubliez pas, il y a une bourse aux vinyles l'apres midi de 15h à 21h
Yaura bonne ambience, music, vin chaud et cougnous!!

 smiley14  smiley14  smiley14  smiley14  smiley14  smiley14  smiley14  smiley14  smiley14


  • Vicomte des Abysses
  • *
  • Messages: 372
6/01/07 : 3YEARS FULLDAWA : LIEGE/GELBIK « Réponse #2 le: janvier 05, 2007, 17:49:53 pm »
Breakcore/hardcore Lineup

22h00 : Sim on kor Funkle
23h00 : Barakafrite
00h00 : Depizgator
01h00 : Baby Kruger
02h00 : Laf-0
03h00 : Raxyor
04h00 : Kowareta Hyoushi
05h00 : Paranoid vs Nevrosa
06h00 : Wasted n Rotten

Acid/Hardtek Lineup

10h00 : K-Rol
11h00 : L-reak vs Rem
01h00 : W-sap
02h30 : Brz
04h00 : D-Fens
05h00 : Timo
06h00 : Awax

"the 3rd Room" lineup

10h00 : Skeudwalker
11h00 : Kottonmouth
00h00 : Skar
01h00 : Mozarfucker
02h00 : Harry Poppins
03h00 : Benefit of the boomerang
04h00 : Bioxyd
05h00 : Miss Manu
06h00 : Skeudwalker