Auteur Sujet: JESKOLA BUZZ  (Lu 33479 fois)


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JESKOLA BUZZ « Réponse #30 le: mai 13, 2005, 14:18:18 pm »
mais ya un paquet de VST qui sont très interessants et qui produisent d' autres phenomènes que les effets buzz

il est vrai que il y a des vst interessant .mais il y a aussi des effets bien specifique a buzz qu'on retrouve pas autre part.
kill aime all

je prefere deplaire expres pluto  que naturellement !


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JESKOLA BUZZ « Réponse #31 le: mai 13, 2005, 16:08:33 pm »
Pour ce qui est des VST , moi je pense qu'il sagit d'outils et comme tout les outils , on s'en sert plus ou moins bien. Parfois on se sert d'une masse pour planter des punaises...

Pourquoi se priver du bon miam miam?

Après y'a l'histoire des gratuits / payants. Férvent défenseur de l'open source j'essaie au maximum d'utiliser que du freeware mais après tout n'est ce point tout aussi "rebel" d'utiliser du Native Instruments sans payer ??? (les versions démos bien sur ,ici personne n'utilise de progs crackés c'est un fait averé )  smiley4

Le probleme apres c'est quand un plug est populaire (GRM tools / Spectral Delay , ...) et bê tu te mets a sonner comme tt le monde ....  smiley21


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JESKOLA BUZZ « Réponse #32 le: mai 13, 2005, 20:03:44 pm »
puis ya quand même une masse de bonnes choses en freeware!
"L'infamie perce et laisse des trous...."


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JESKOLA BUZZ « Réponse #33 le: mai 24, 2005, 09:43:37 am »
Deux Tutoriels en français et bien faits.. Le premier explique tres bien comment se servir d'un tracker.

Découvrir Buzz - Utiliser des samples dans Buzz,idtutoriel,254,idproduit,17481,idcategorie,,imprim,1.html

Découvrir Buzz - Effets et Automations,idtutoriel,258.html

Maintenant au boulot! smiley14


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asio4all « Réponse #34 le: juin 02, 2005, 17:13:08 pm »
J'avais parfois des problêmes de clicks a l'ouverture de mes fenêtres d'effet / générateurs durant le play . Je pense que ce problême concerne les configs pourries sans carte ASIO , si c'est votre cas je vous conseille Asio4all , ça calme bien les probs de latence

Si vous vous en battez les gonades , sachez aussi que sur IRC , Serveur Efnet y'a une room #Buzz avec la plupart des dévellopeurs qui squattent (zephod , xionD, Lad,etc etc...). Bien utile pr les problemes pointus .


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JESKOLA BUZZ « Réponse #35 le: juin 02, 2005, 17:22:14 pm »
Après ça pour ceux qui ont toujours des problèmes de laitance vous pouvez directement mettre la main dedans !

On ne dit pas "c'est de la merde" mais "je n'aime pas", sauf quand c'est vraiment de la merde


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JESKOLA BUZZ « Réponse #36 le: juin 03, 2005, 08:26:02 am »
qui c'est qui a encore volé l'avatar de baboost ?!!!  smiley12  smiley12

merci pour l'info

MoDuLe VxD

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JESKOLA BUZZ « Réponse #37 le: juin 03, 2005, 16:25:49 pm »
ca buug ???
buug koor biedt U een originele en authentieke smaak !!!


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JESKOLA BUZZ « Réponse #38 le: juin 05, 2005, 21:58:25 pm »
Zarma Zarmaa Comment ils me pourissent mon beau topic foisonnant d'infos, véritable jaillissement de connaissance Sur BuZZ !!!

Tant pis je me trouver un véritable forum avec des vrais geeks qui sont pret a s'entretuer pour un désaccord sur la qualité d'une version O.001 par rapport a la version 0.00174 pré beta.


Je vous fait quand meme un bisou parce que vous etes charmants, fougueux éphêbes

/me mode "manque de sommeil , jupiler funky style"

J'ai Reussi a faire un live (de merde) d'UNE heure avec DEUX buzz de lancé  sans QUE ça PLANTE et je suis TROP fier d'avoir PRIS Ce RIsque , putain de bordel de merde de satan de mes Couilles !!!
Je VOus Fuck Fuck Fuck avec vos Ablethons Rutilants et vos Reaquetor PaPator INstruments 26 , YAAA YAAA le Grand Shub Niggurath , lle bouc Aux milles Chevreaux someille Dans Les codes SOurces perdus de JEskola BUZzz Chtulu Faghn Neptune
Degrader LArshKa RIdMA ,

Dites NON a l'Europe et OUI a Jeslola Buzz

/me mode quarantaine imposé CAmisole champetre de joie

Baboost espece d'écornfileur de gésine to avatar ,t'as juste tapper "chat" sous googlle "images " alors je te prierais de pas faire trop trop,  ton petit malin... OK ?

Alors ,on fait l'amour , ou je vais chier ? ---> qu'en pesnsez vous pr une  future signature ?

smiley4  smiley9  smiley14  smiley19  smiley23


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JESKOLA BUZZ « Réponse #39 le: juin 09, 2005, 10:41:52 am »
moi je les mange


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Yeah Woho Pute !! « Réponse #40 le: juin 24, 2005, 17:11:05 pm »
Un mec bosse sur un clone de Buzz totally free
J'attends ça avec impatience !!!

Wavelet Tracker    

Bringing back the tracker scene by pushing the boundaries of experimental composition
This project is hosted by the 4w3s0m3 h4x0rz at

Support free software, the last human endeavour largely free of commercial and political interference.


What is this?

This is the homepage for the Wavelet Tracker project. The project is to write an application similar to Jeskola Buzz with a number of innovations:

Using wavelets as the basis for audio processing, allowing a huge range of effects
User friendly creation of audio processing machines from within the program
Not two but four machine types - no more losing the notes with the generator
Surround and even 3D sound output native to all machines
Machines inside machines with multiple inputs and outputs, allowing infinite complexity
Playback of patterns in the arrangement at different rates or offsets
Support for 'unusual' time signatures and musical scales
Much much more

At present the project is in pre-alpha stage. Volunteers are needed to help plan and implement the program, but all users of trackers like Buzz or Psycle are welcome to request features and assist in planning. The project releases source code and design documents around once a fortnight.

You can contact project admin on the project's forums at SourceForge. Update: Since I now have regular contact on the forums and check them fairly regularly, I would appreciate it if you use the publicly available tools on SourceForge to contact me. I will be redirecting all email contacts here so a community can begin to grow around the project and so that I can more easily manage things like bug tracking and feature requests.


No, seriously, what is it?

A tracker is a tool for composing music. Trackers have evolved from a necessity to a scene over almost 20 years, however this scene is now overshadowed by commercial composing packages, none of which matches the interface simplicity of a tracker, and none of which is free.

This project is about creating a tool for composing music using wavelets, something no other package can offer at this time. Working with wavelets has numerous advantages and should produce sounds that have not been heard before, as well as giving a composer a huge range of possible audio generation and processing configurations that are not found elsewhere.

For more information, the following links may be useful. If you are interested in the project itself, you can visit The project releases documentation on the progress of the project on a fairly regular basis, this documentation includes details about modular trackers and what we hope to add to them.

Note that these links are not intended to be authoritative, they are simply ones I have visited myself.

Information about tracking and trackers
Information about wavelets and the signal processing
Information about experimental electronica
Information about free software (besides SourceForge)
Information about information


More, more, more!

OK, I've decided to add everything I can think of into this web page. This is the whole collection of features that the design is trying to incorporate. Some of these might not make it (maybe two or three), but heaps that aren't here will be added as the program grows. If some of these features appeal you should read the documentation and maybe even join the project? Seriously: you don't need to be able to code, just join and help steer the project.

Well laid out, open design that allows for loads of future additions
Aiming for unlimited amounts of audio processing complexity
Eight (Top Left Front through Bottom Right Rear) channels
Working with wavelets for audio production, and aiming to support user defined audio chain types
Pitch blurring, reverse reverb, reverse time-shifting
Score machines and score effects, with polyphonic generators
Pattern cueing effects such as offset and tempo change
Patterns with time signatures and shuffle, playing at different rates
Robust, backward compatible file format with autosave backups
Overridable master and connector machines, as well as other program aspects later
Ability to create new base types of machines and new machines all within the program
Insert machines between machines, remove machines leave connections, replace machines
Friendly GUI that works at many resolutions and allows customisation of machine interfaces
User manageable machine catalogue, with versioning handled by the program
Full, unrestricted record function - patterns and songs of enormous length
User configureable autosave function keeps multiple backups while you work
Designed with backward compatibility and future expansion in mind
Visualisation section of the program, to be designed in a similar fashion to the audio and arranged alongside the music
Graphical parameter envelope design and application to pattern parameters
Support for irregular scales through the open score architecture
Support for user program extensions through the common machine interface
Machines with multiple inputs and outputs, all with eight channels
Writing machines in a simple language using a simple API - no C++, no DLL files
Building machines by placing known machines in a preset configuration and exposing selected parameters
Exposing selected composition parameters to a 'main' control for jamming songs live
Global composition volume and EQ settings as well as global program volume and EQ
Connecting machines in loops and tweaking the delay between machines
Lightweight application with error handling and load bearing designed in
Clearly written source code which allows great detail to be added to the subsystems later on
Aims for seamless dropping in of improved components as they are created
Well documented, human readable file format which has built in structure and versioning
Using custom connectors to preprocess machine inputs? (Hey, even I don't know what that is!)
Free program, free machines, free source code, free music!


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JESKOLA BUZZ « Réponse #41 le: juin 25, 2005, 01:12:16 am »
merci pour ces petits tutoriaux, je n'ai jamais eu la chance qu'on m'explike les trackers là je vais m'y mettre!


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JESKOLA BUZZ « Réponse #42 le: août 17, 2005, 10:12:14 am »
La saga continue , (nouveaux générateurs , nouveaux effets, update de l'overloader)

Madbrain has released two new machines... this time both Gens. They are indeed quite nice and very stable.
Dynamite 6: Physical Modelling / Waveguide Synth
4fm2f: Frequency Modulation Synthesis
Cyanphase, released a new version of his Overloader project! There are a few modification like: the machine missing dialog has been bug fixed, updates on the dynamic splash screen support, improvements in the extended options dialog box & a fix for the componented wavetable. Overloader version O can be downloaded here. Cyanphase is also till working on Nakalyne as well as TokoTracker (for the windows smartphone).
Komi, a new Dev from Czech Republic, has released 3 machines, 1 fx and 2 synths.
Chaoticon: Exclusive OR based simple distortion effect.
Squarespace: Simple and fast synth based on 4 oscillators with 77 waveforms. Cool bass sounds (2nd, 3th octave). Low CPU usage!
Cubespace: Simple waveform based synth, combining 8 oscillators with 34 waveforms. CPU friendly :).

couteau belge

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JESKOLA BUZZ « Réponse #43 le: août 27, 2005, 19:47:38 pm »
jammais vu un soft aussi laid
le moteur audio pareil
mais alors c 'est hallucinant ce qu'on peut sortir
l'automation d'effet est plus qu'interessante.
la plus belle connerie pas de synchro midi
je ne signe rien les yeux ouverts

cindy cenobyte

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JESKOLA BUZZ « Réponse #44 le: août 27, 2005, 20:11:23 pm »
salut Couteau Belge,

qu' est ce que tu lui reproches au moteur audio ?

en fait je suis curieux parceque je lui sens un manque mais je ne sais pas lequel a part qu' il cogne un peu dans les medium aigus !
We work from hand to hand, from country to town,
From city to state, from world to world; nigga
From universe to universe