Auteur Sujet: [insub41] Relentless - Document #102013  (Lu 1416 fois)

le youth

  • Vicomte des Abysses
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[insub41] Relentless - Document #102013 « le: février 04, 2014, 00:12:17 am »
(on est de retour !!!)

Relentless Document #102013

Sébastien Branche: Saxophone
Artur Vidal: Saxophone

streaming, mp3, flac 44/24 ou flac 96/24 ->

Relentless is an experimental sound creation project based on saxophone. Coming from free improvisation, their current proposals are focused on different practices of sound art. Specificities of the performance space, exploration of their musical instruments and ways to relate with the public are the foundations of their work. For the past few years, they have been looking into the relations between dancing, video and improvised music. Relentless is, in a way, the sound layer that settled through these investigations. Long tones, circular breathing, multiphonics, objects, are some recurring elements always renewed in a dialog between an idiom that settles through practice, and the necessity to improvise to create a music that takes into account each sound and each instant in its composition.

« This album is released almost 3 years after our latest CD. We wondered if we should release it: is it different enough from our previous album, Souffle et mécanique, is it more than just a document for us ,would an outside listener find it interesting, does it question enough our practice, the tension between the “Relentless idiom” and improvisation? Is there a necessity to add yet again a recording to the numerous pile of improvised music released every year?
But at the same time, there are some beautiful sounds, some attempts, maybe still hesitative, to get out of our usual patterns, some new elements even though they’re being used mostly the same way we’re using the old ones. And quite some pleasure to listen to the recording when not thinking about all those issues.
Anyway, we have the possibility to release that session of live music. It is of course a way to make our music and work available to the audience, but beyond that, it is an opportunity to share these issues with you. »

Carla Hoke

  • Vortex Chorizo
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  • Messages: 72
Re : [insub41] Relentless - Document #102013 « Réponse #1 le: février 04, 2014, 14:45:10 pm »