Auteur Sujet: RIPIT live @ CHAFF 14 mai  (Lu 1498 fois)

klarq calor

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RIPIT live @ CHAFF 14 mai « le: mai 10, 2012, 13:43:19 pm »
14 MAI - 21h
free entrance

Place du Jeu de Balle (Vosseplein) 21 1000 Brussels

Ripit, a.k.a Nyko Esterle, started his musical activities as a black metal guitar player in 1995. In 1998 he turns into radical electronic, developping a noisy, rythmical and psychedelic sound based on primitive synthesizer use. He evoluates to a more complex form of sound tending to beat micro-surgery and orchestral bombast.
As an actor of extreme electronic/pre-breakore parisian scene by organising alternative parties, he expanded his network on an international level. He toured several times in North America and Europe.
In 2006, he founded with TZII (, the protean project Solar Skeletons (
In 2007, he founded the concrete Dub/Mutant Rap project FUJAKO with portuguese Dub strategist HHY (
Back to a more primal creative technique, his live sets are based today on the extensive use of modular synths, ol'time drum machines and no-input mixers to create a dancy, acid music, plunging the crowd in a magma of electrical textures mixing dance-floor references and magnetic fog.

klarq calor

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Re : RIPIT live @ CHAFF 14 mai « Réponse #1 le: mai 14, 2012, 11:01:37 am »

à 21h et pas à 22h comme précédemment annoncé