La playliste complète de l'épisode 3.9, enfin
School Of Seven Bells: P.Y.S.D. ( p.y.s.d EP, Full Time Hobby, 2012)
Powerdove: under awnings (do you burn? LP, Africantape, 2013)
Goat: let it bleed (world music LP, Stranted Rekords / Rocket Recordings 2012)
JC Satàn: more power (farway land LP, Teenage Menopause 2012)
Torche: harmonslaught (harmonslaugt EP, Amnesian Records 2012)
Pete Swanson: pro style (pro style EP, Type records, 2012)
Vatican Shadow: once this fire gathers strength (atta's apartment slated for demolition LP, Hospital Productions, 2012)
Christoph De Babalon: a little less (a bond with sorrow LP, Tigerbeat6, 2012)
MS30: ndar (t.i.a.LP, Silken Tofu, 2012)
Bang On!: huztlin’ (sic LP, Big Dada 2012)
Niveau Zéro: forward (jasmine LP, Ad Noiseam 2012)
The Evens: wanted criminals (the odds LP, Dischord Records, 2012)
Cult Of Luna: passing through (vertikal LP, Indie Recordings, 2013)
Fenn O'Berg: omuta elegy (in hell, Editions Mego, 2012)