Je suis fainéant, donc je recopie :
Since 2003 Al Amor de la Lumbre is a band gathering Alix Marchetti and Stéphane F..
One tape (private, 2005) and one CD-R (Young Girls Records, 2008) were released.
"Lumière Hostile" 1 and 2 are a musical exploration of all kinds of instruments (piano, balalaïka, synths, guitars) and different methods of playing and recording : field-recordings, sampling, recording through a telephone, tapes, dictaphone, collages, improvisation...
Now these two releases are re-released together, once and for all, by Blauer Abend.*
A écouter également, la "radio" où sont publiés régulièrement des morceaux inédits d'artistes sonores (field recordings, ambient ... )*
Une série de photos de Goran Becker, l'un des fondateurs du label, publiée sur le webzine Schizodoxe :[/u]