HTTP://WWW.LARMEEDESBONBONS.ORGSaturday 3rd Februarydoors : 21h - 5 euros
La Zone42b, Quai de l'ourthe - 4020 LIEGE, Belgium
LES OUBLIETTESa long musical comedy with 5 acts
Princesse Rotative +
Sun OK Papi K.O. +
DJ Athome +
Dj Hugo Freegow +
DJ Motocross ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PRINCESSE ROTATIVE (electro cartoon - Purée Noire, Le Dernier Cri / France)

Co-founder of Purée Noire, Princesse Rotative's creed, since 2002, is to make chaotic sounds: quirky melodies, full of energetic breakcore rhythms or grubby hip-hop, as well as scratch from mangas. Its first self-produced album, "Fabuleuse énergie féminine"(2004) is known on the net and re-released in 2005 by Digital Trash Records (Dtrash#78). And is followed, that same year, by a second album: "Culture Steak". Princesse Rotative's concerts come with short animation films and are also accompanied by Abigail Green (a singer and actress); thus transforming the concerts into a real performance.
Co-fondatrice de Purée Noire, Princesse Rotative fait depuis 2002 le chaos sonore son credo : melodies distordues, déferlantes de rythmes breakcore survitaminés ou de hip-hop crasseux, le tout agrémenté de scratchs de mangas. Son premier album autoproduit, "Fabuleuse énergie féminine" (2004) est salué sur le net et ressort en 2005 sur le label Digital Trash Records (Dtrash#78). Suit en 2005 le deuxième album : "Culture Steak". Ses concerts sont accompagnés de films d'animations sur lesquels intervient la chanteuse et comédienne Abigail Green, qui a rejoint le groupe fin 2005; les concerts se transformant ainsi en véritables performances.
SUN OK PAPI K.O. (sweet noise & comedy rap - Sonig / Brussels)

Brothers Laurent and Nicolas Baudoux, known as the lunatic-genius Scratch Pet Land, are now going their separate ways. Nicolas is well known as Dj Elephant Power, and now it is his brother Laurent's turn : Sun OK Papi K.O. !! His orchestre philharmonok presents music that has - seriously - never been heard before. He lifts the cocktail of broad bass, game boys, hook lines played on trashy keyboards and wooden cracking beats, up to the next level. Bizarre string instruments, twist and turn to lofty heights, yet most of it sounds like a new kind of synthetic plastic with an unrestricting innovative seal of approval - even the metal guitars.
He's a music companion of Quentin Hanon (Idiolabo) and Uské Orchestra. He has just released an EP and a LP on Sonig records (home label of Mouse On Mars, Candie Hank, Wevie Stonder...)
Listen : ATHOME (loops and stincky scratches - Pneu, Radio Panik / Brussels, Roma)

A brief story : I started to play with a turntable and a tape recorder when i was a kid, at that time i realised that when i pushed at the same time the tape and phono buttons on my Realistic turntable i could mix the two sources but each one on mono! So i was experimenting a stereo mixing technique playing a mixtape recorded on Rai Stereo Due (Italy) and "mixing" the tracks with my early 7" collection (you know that shit of the 80's fm). Some years later i discovered in my attic my 7" of Newcleus (jam on it) and i join a little band of young breakers and at the same time my cousin was playing in a new wave club and i discovered Joy Division, Killing Joke, Front 242, Pili Pili, Quango Quango and many more cold wave influences.. and i realised that i will be a record collectioner.. and that's what i'm!
I moved to Brussels in 1996 and i met all the people with who i'm working now. I started to play in Radio Campus (107.2 fm) - and i'm still doing mixes for them - and in 1997 i created with Derek Sein a weekly radio show called "BIS-ART SHAKER" on Radio Panik 105.4 fm, Brussels. In 2000 I joined the label Pneu based in Brussels and i started to record music with my friends.
Que ce soit aux platines et/ou laptop, sous fomat HopHead ou déguisé en singe, les lives de dj athome cherchent dans le passé et le présent, les styles musicaux sont souvent empruntés à la scène indépendante, avec une affinité marquée pour les productions germaniques et japonaises (Thanks Meister Derek Sein !) et un interêt constant pour toutes les productions de hip hop "underground". Ce serait réducteur d’en rester là : dub, pop électronique, rocksteady, miami bass & b boy breaks, new wave, cold funk, noise, bootlegs fait maison, disco-funk, electronica, demixed, acidhouse, indus, exotica, soundscapes et autres curiosités se mélangent et s’entrecoupent pour animer le dance-floor de manière riche et décomplexée...
DJ HUGO FREEGOW (Eclectik Kung-Fu - Panoptic, Mukissolor / Liège)

heavy jukeboxing
pure eclectik booga wooga...
like a wocket in the pocket !
Hugo Freegow aime perturber le dance-floor et y mettre le feu. Avec une énergie communicative, il fait éclater les barrières entre les genres et réconcillie les frères ennemis du jeu des familles musicales. Electro déviante, archives exotiques, surf-rock, proto-gabber, cyber-polka et cha-cha-cha vont tomber comme des bombes.
DJ MOTOCROSS (therapy for hippies - L'armée des bonbons / Liège, Honolulu)

Now that Damie Boy (Dj Motocross) is 28 years old, he has decided to quit the dark side of the moon because it was the jungle under the coco nut fringe. He has exchanged his Harley against a 80cc Honda CR motorcross to join the other face of the moon where the reggae was sweating the banana juice. There, he found a lot of hippie under the umbrella waiting for the sunset because they don't want to use the body milk against the sunshine machine.
They immediatly loved DJ MOTOCROSS because he was playing cheap, noisy and good-tempered nervous electronic music that rescued them from the rock'n'roll breakdown. They had a lot of fun drinking adulterate vodka during the night around a big fire in wich they threw down their guitars and their bongos.
At this point, with some Mc Donalds employees, well listening students, unemployed musicians, long-time alcoholic people and strip-lighted bikini girls selling ice creams on the honolulu beach they founded "L'armée des bonbons". It is a deviant hippie community based on the dictatorship model where Damie is the fecund animal.