Il faut quand même dire que tout ça a été formé en réaction à ça : qui est censé être une association de mères de familles mécontentes.
Ce site est tout de même assez marrant :
Nihilism (belief in nothing)
Drugs / Alcoholism
Sexual Perversion, Self-Mutilation
Dissonant / Offensive Sound
The Occult
Anti-God / Anti-Authority
Cult-like Organization, Terrorism
Et encore mieux (surtout les trois derniers
) :
You are not powerless! You can make a difference in your childs world and to make the world a better place. Here are some of the things you can do:
Take away your child's recordings of noise music, ripped up clothing, and other paraphernalia.
Limit your child's allowance so that they cannot easily replace off-limits records and images.
Get "Net Nanny" or "Cyber Sitter" content barriers for the computer and use the customization features to limit Internet access to sites with words like Noise, Noize, Power Electronics, Electro-Acoustic, Harsh, etc. along with any sexual language.
Take an interest in your child's social life and find out who they are spending time with. Talk to them about people you disapprove of.
Form a Mother's Against Noise group in your area and protest Noise Music concerts and the venues that allow them to occur.
Write letters to the venues and police about the illegal activites that happen at these shows. Write letters to the publishers of local papers who unthinkingly promote these shows.
Infiltrate Noise message boards and post positive or confusing messages to break them up.
Go to the houses of Noise Musicians and directly engage them in a discussion about how their music is effecting your life. Many of them will be unprepaired for this conversation.
Désolé pour le déterrage (ça existe ce mot?) de posts antiques