Auteur Sujet: OFF/BRUMA net.label: [offb017] :such:, Ian Linter, Anton Mobin, Rinus van Alebe  (Lu 10145 fois)


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[offb011] LARSP - Transit Land « Réponse #15 le: octobre 28, 2009, 13:57:07 pm »

[offb011] LARSP - Transit Land

1. LARSP - Arhang (9:40)
2. LARSP - Ratsignal (6:24)
3. LARSP - Grain sabe (8:00)
4. LARSP - Etirements (4:32)
5. LARSP - Flaques & Nuages (6:16)
6. LARSP - Insect funerals (11:08)

Larsp composes experimental electronic music.

Larsp’s musical background started with classical music at the
Conservatoire where he learnt the cello. In 2002. His first project under
the name of PUPPET LE CURE, sounds like hard-techno vs. melodic
orchestra, and an EP was signed by independent label CWK in 2002.

His solo project under LARSP was launched in 2005. It follows a radically
different approach from Puppet le curé. Larsp has moved away from
techno to shift from experimental ambient to melancholic breakcore.
The project is based on the atmospheres rather than dance floor,
half-way between darkly oppressing sounds and slow rhythmic destructuring.

Length: 46 minutes

Author: LARSP (FR)
Year: 2009

  Release page

an OFF/BRUMA release

Complete Downloads
offb011 LARSP - Transit Land (256 kbps mp3)
offb011 LARSP - Transit Land (lossless flac)
offb011 Artwork
LARSP - Transit Land

for the best sound quality OFF/BRUMA recommends FLAC format (lossless)


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  • Messages: 22
[offb012] Joséphine Muller & Ian Linter - Universal Tran « Réponse #16 le: novembre 19, 2009, 21:25:56 pm »

[offb012] Joséphine Muller & Ian Linter - Universal Transfusion

1. The Verb
2. Elements
3. Life Metadata
4. Nataman (The Odyssey)
5. The Blind King
6. Horizontal Fall
7. Mirian

Kheostatic part 1 - Universal Transfusion
Length: 1 hour 2 seconds

Download mp3: zip
Download flac: zip

Improvisation composée, en trois actes, autour de la magnificence de l'Homme, ses origines et sa perception exponentielle.

KHEOSTATIC est une pièce improvisée d’une durée totale de près de trois heures cherchant de façon encyclopédique à effectuer une transcription sonore de plusieurs éléments qui constituent la réalité humaine, dans son langage, intellectualité et action. Dans la première partie, maintenant publiée, la perception humaine a été condensée en signes sonores de l’avant-garde, concret et électro-acoustique, à travers le recours à un langage immédiat et proto-métaphysique, en corrélation étroite avec la conceptualité possible de la matière et ses relations avec l’esprit. Les trois parties de KHEOSTATIC seront enregistrées en direct à La Société de Curiosités, Paris.

Author: Joséphine Muller (FR), Ian Linter (PT)
Year: 2009

An OFF/BRUMA release


  • Mini Knack Ball
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  • Messages: 22
[offb013] Joséphine Muller & Ian Linter - Human Khaos « Réponse #17 le: décembre 09, 2009, 23:27:09 pm »

[offb013] Joséphine Muller & Ian Linter - Human Khaos

1. Digital Metamorfose
2. Bit Tragdy
3. Fluids
4. 2079

Kheostatic part 2 - Human Khaos
Length: 51 minutes 4 seconds

Download mp3: zip
Download flac: zip

Improvisation composée, en trois actes, autour de la magnificence de l'Homme, ses origines et sa perception exponentielle.

KHEOSTATIC est une pièce improvisée d’une durée totale de près de trois heures cherchant  de façon encyclopédique à effectuer une transcription sonore de plusieurs éléments qui constituent la réalité humaine, dans son langage, intellectualité et action. Dans cette seconde partie la dégénération sonore complète un cycle semi-contrôlé par des éclats électroniques  de double précision : le chaos n’existe pas, le chaos est Humain.
Les trois parties de KHEOSTATIC seront enregistrées en direct à La Société de Curiosités, Paris.

Author: Joséphine Muller (FR), Ian Linter (PT)
Year: 2009

An OFF/BRUMA release


  • Mini Knack Ball
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  • Messages: 22
Re : OFF/BRUMA net.label: [offb013] Human Khaos « Réponse #18 le: août 15, 2011, 21:27:28 pm »

Joséphine Muller & Ian Linter - Abyssal Force
KHEOSTATIC - Joséphine Muller & Ian Linter

Improvisation composée, en trois actes, autour de la magnificence de l'Homme, ses origines et sa perception exponentielle.

KHEOSTATIC est une pièce improvisée d'une durée totale de près de trois heures cherchant  de façon encyclopédique à effectuer une transcription sonore de plusieurs éléments qui constituent  la réalitéhumaine, dans son langage, intellectualité et action. Dans ce troisième et dernier acte, est achevé le cycle débuté avec Universal Transfusion. Abyssal Force est la couleur de l'Amour numéro douze, et puissance dans l'expansion matérielle et métaphysique maximale. Les trois parties de KHEOSTATIC ont été enregistrées en direct à La Société de Curiosités, Paris.

Title:Abyssal Force
By: Joséphine Muller & Ian Linter
Country:France Portugal
Related:Joséphine Muller Ian Linter
MP3 download:ZIP file
FLAC download:ZIP file

an OFF/BRUMA release


  • Mini Knack Ball
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  • Messages: 22
Re : OFF/BRUMA net.label: [offb013] Human Khaos « Réponse #19 le: août 15, 2011, 21:36:55 pm »

Anton Mobin, Ian Linter, Mystahr - Three Solos

Created in May 2009, "A Maïzing session with..." is dedicated to live improvised music and organised at the Maïzing Studio in Paris, by Anton Mobin. The programming is established according the meeting and the artist who come in tour in Paris. For the first season (May 2009-May 2010), "A Maïzing session with..." was 13 radio shows with 22 European artists.

Date: July 21th, 2010

Artists: Mystahr - Ian Linter - Anton Mobin

For the passage of Mystahr in Paris, Ian Linter and Anton Mobin decide to join their forces to organize several sonic events to celebrate this occasion. Each artist is in contact on the web since a long time, but never had the opportunity to meet together. That's done on July 21th, 2010 at the Maïzing Studio in Paris, where these three friends set up their complete gear to a special two hours radio show!

The Maïzing session was divided in two different parts:

First, each artist present a solo set around twenty minutes, which is the better solution for everyone to discover the sound of each other. Then, all three join for the real Maïzing session of 40 minutes, when each of the three sound universes collapses in a singular one.

After the session, Mystahr and Ian Linter, both owners of fantastic netlabels, decided to release the two different parts in an identifiable net-release: Three solos on OFF/BRUMA and the collective improv' on Just Not Normal.

JNN103 - A Maïzing session with...

FFB015 - Three solos

Please, visit both websites which offer you to hear the whole journey!

Authors: Anton Mobin (FR), Ian Linter (PT), Mystahr (NL)

Title:Three Solos
By:Anton Mobin Ian Linter Mystahr
Country:France Portugal Netherlands
Related:Anton Mobin Ian Linter Mystahr
MP3 download:ZIP file
FLAC download:ZIP file

an OFF/BRUMA release


  • Mini Knack Ball
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  • Messages: 22
Re : OFF/BRUMA net.label: [offb013] Human Khaos « Réponse #20 le: août 15, 2011, 21:45:02 pm »

Tron Conu - 3029

In June 2010 Juca Pimentel meets Samuel Ufus near Pompidou Center in Paris. Later they are joined by Joséphine Muller. 3029 is the record of this encounter.

"Míriades de sais amenos na penumbra incandescente do só-MINA e Inamoradas glórias do passado em Vaca celestial do Só-T! Encontros fortuito nas masmorras vibratórias de acasos em drama Y e Solitárias sombras dos anjos fir-AMUS da Eslováquia, e mais casos. Acasos dumiar na Téc Nik Tam er com soluções de índice alto. Parafernália coerente. Duas an MIR para estalo suficiente nas ondas do SAR. Para finalizar um esboço de Caixas uma em pancadas FU F a."

Juca Pimentel

By:Tron Conu
Country:Portugal France
Related:Joséphine Muller Juca Pimentel Samuel Ufus
MP3 download:ZIP file
FLAC download:ZIP file

Author: Tron Conu (PT/FR)

Tron Conu are Joséphine Muller, Samuel Ufus and Juca Pimentel

an OFF/BRUMA release


  • Mini Knack Ball
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  • Messages: 22
Re : OFF/BRUMA net.label: [offb013] Human Khaos « Réponse #21 le: août 15, 2011, 21:56:23 pm »

:such:, Ian Linter, Rinus van Alebeek, Anton Mobin - Four Solos

Created in May 2009, "A Maïzing session with..." is a radio show broadcasted on the  KKWNE webradio dedicated to live improvised music and organised at the Maïzing Studio in Paris, by Anton Mobin. The program is established according to the meeting of several artists who come on tour to Paris. In the first season (May 2009-May 2010), "A Maïzing session with..." was 13 radio shows with 22 international artists.  The second season is on the same way...

After the release of "offb015 - Three solos", Ian Linter and Anton Mobin decide to continue the solo series. This time, four solos improvised live, successively by :such: (tape manipulation), Ian Linter (electronic manipulation), Rinus van Alebeek (tape manipulation) and Anton Mobin (tape manipulation).

Title:Four Solos
By::such: Ian Linter Rinus van Alebeek Anton Mobin
Country:France Portugal Netherlands
Related::such: Ian Linter Rinus van Alebeek Anton Mobin
MP3 download:ZIP file
FLAC download:ZIP file


The first meeting  with :such: was during the Estafette Rue Cassette in Paris in June 2010.  :such: plays an  heavy and dense ambient with a fine meditative touch. He played on two prepared  tape desks by the great Doctor AxDelbor of the collective H.A.K.

:such: is also  co-curator of the label SDZ Records and animator of the Crudités radio show.


Ian Linter is an original  member of the Portuguese underground collective produções Ganza, co-founder of OFF/BRUMA  netlabel, and also many other sonic entities, like the non-stop webradio Strange  Frequencies Channel, under the ASP label. He records under several names but  always in different aesthetics, like OLoF NiNe, ACT9, Airf'Auga or La Main  Traumatique with Joséphine Muller, among others...

His creations are  electro-organic immediatism in any possible structure, through a real-time  feedback series of necessary events...

Rinus is an  imminent member of the Berliner underground scene. Musician, curator, writer,  cassetteur, he plays with Angie Yeowell, De Drones with Raoul Haarmannero,  Diktat, Jeudi Pop among many other collaborations. He’s also co-animator of the  radio show “Radio On” with Adrian Shephard. Also, note that OFF/BRUMA was  pleased to release offb007  dnasnow/mouseup - 7 with Zan Hoffman, in 2008.

Last but not the  least, Rinus van Alabeek is the curator and producer of Staaltape, the cassette  division of the famous Staalplaat label.


Concrete music composer & radio producer addict of field recordings. Co-curator of the collective H.A.K. and curator of the Improvisators  Network. Objects manipulator & improvisator experienced due to several  meeting with international artists which one of the most important was certainly  with Rinus van Alebeek in Berlin. Always in search for new articulations between objects, manipulations,  and interaction with his own body. A crack, a fold, a brightness, a jolt in the  plan of the sound, a convexity of surface...

Authors: :such: (fr), Ian Linter (pt), Rinus van Alebeek (nl), Anton Mobin (fr)

an OFF/BRUMA release