Auteur Sujet: ::::::::::::::::November News on Fronha Records:::::::::::::  (Lu 1660 fois)


  • Dagon Morvus
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::::::::::::::::November News on Fronha Records::::::::::::: « le: novembre 18, 2005, 18:36:58 pm »
smiley8 Attention for the Fronha Records november releases:  smiley8
Frithlang - Do Acid Om [ep] - First CD recording of the duo formed by Fábio Oliveira and MMeNDES. Musique concrete and psychodely, folk and experimentalism. Along with this EP, you can also download a video with the best moments of their first live performance on Plano B - Lapa, on july 2005.

Orion - Scaring the Little Girl  - The Alien Hungry Mantis is back, more agressiver than never! This time accompained by Vinicius (synht) and Pablo Pablo (guitar/effects), M.Hausen and MMeNDES presents 12 new tracks recorded and produced in august 2005 for the second Orion release on Fronha Records. Microphonies, screams, improvised structures and an eclectic sonirity, creating a non-linear mood, agressive and chaotic. Orion, the cycle is completed.

Already available for download at Antena, the final version of the new (dell.tree) album "Planeta X". More abrasive and complex than the four previous EPs, his first full-lenght features Fábio Oliveira (Frithlang, Botânicos), M.Hausen (Can do Garfo, A Torre), KAlex (Herr K), Filipe Giraknob (Tonguemische), Thelmo Cristovam (Hrönir), Claudio Monjope (Debussy Bach Restaurant), and a remix of FST.

Our IMAGE section was updated too, with lots of new photos.

And finally at Menthe De Chat, 3 fantastic new releases: Muwei - Vesica Peixe, As Criança Feia (with M.Hausen, Monjope and FST) and Liz - Never Ending Love Affair.


Alain Deschodt

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Ca, c'est du chat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! « Réponse #1 le: mars 04, 2006, 01:48:41 am »
En France, les chômeurs exploitent les patrons