Auteur Sujet: Seam Carving  (Lu 2485 fois)


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Seam Carving « le: août 08, 2008, 01:27:17 am »
Je sais pas si je suis dans la bonne section et si quelqu'un en a déjà parlé:

"Seam carving is an image resizing algorithm developed by Shai Avidan and Ariel Shamir. This algorithm alters the dimensions of an image not by scaling or cropping, but rather by intelligently removing pixels from (or adding pixels to) the image that carry little importance.

The importance of a pixel is generally measured by its contrast when compared with its neighbor pixels, but other measures may be used. Additionally, it's possible to define (or autodetect) areas of high importance (faces, buildings, etc.) in which pixels may not be deleted, and conversely, areas of zero importance which should be removed first. From this information, the algorithm detects seams (continuous lines of pixels joining opposite edges of the image) which have the lowest importance, and deletes those. This shrinks the image by one horizontal or vertical line, depending on which direction the seam ran.

Seam carving can also be run in reverse by adding interpolated pixels along the lowest energy seam.

With this technique, it's now possible to reduce or enlarge pictures by a wide range, while still retaining details. In normal image scaling, it's often not possible to scale about factor greater than 2 or less than 0.5, without losing much of the images quality."

Logiciels: (plug-in Gimp)

J'ai testé SeamCarvingGui, très efficace, même sans le paramétrer ça m'a bluffé.


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Seam Carving « Réponse #1 le: août 08, 2008, 01:44:54 am »
ça me parait bien interressant.
T'aurais du mettre ça dans évenements et tout  le tralala. smiley23


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Seam Carving « Réponse #2 le: août 08, 2008, 03:28:09 am »
smiley8  smiley8  smiley8  smiley8
je fonce tester ça
"Vous connaissez James Brown, moi c'est l'contraire, je suis blanc et je suis pas fier" Programme