Diffusion dans l'excellente émission sadayatana, avec d'autre artiste earsheltering his one fashioned from tracks selected at random 10 minutes before show time. Not random exactly but picked via some secret intelligence built into a program I wrote. My way of collaborating with God so to speak.
I like the way it came out. Hope you do too.
The usual crunchy ambient sounds with drone, sound collage and some looping. Includes music of Akoustik Timbre Frekuency, Akumu, Argedco Dosig G Manin, Backyard Ghost, Barbara Schubert, Dupage Symphony Orchestra, Chris Carter, Cisfinitum, Claudio Curciotti, Digital Mass, Drone Wallah, Drunkonthebloodofangels, Edge Of October, Etienne Michelet, Exit, Gastón Arévalo, Halgrath, Impostor, Joxfield Projex, Kenji Siratori Feat. Tardive Dyskinesia, Kristus Kut, Legion, L'horrible Passion, Luis Antero, Meta:Human, Mike Radice, Morpheus, Mz-N710, Nagual Art, Obscure Visions, Pixyblink, Planetzoo, Playing With Nuns, Pregnant Spore, Radio Mu, Seance Noire, Shane Morris, (Thresh*ld).