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Chouilles / 02/03/08 - Optimius Prime Noise Festival
« le: février 18, 2008, 09:25:29 am »
28 liveacts!!

Kirdec (BE)
Rossa Merda (UK)
Rinus van Alebeek (DE/NL)
Solar Skeletons (BE)
Grieffer (CA)
NxFxTxEx (DK)
Zyrtax (NL)
Brutophilia (CA)
Merzbow C. (JP)
Seppuku + Mutant Ape (UK)
Bas Verbeek (NL)
Shortlife (??)
Gokkuchan (BU)
Raaskalbomfukkerz (NL)
Portable Noise Kremator (BE)
Belch (NL)
Antoine Chessex (CH)
Monopolka (RU)
Bucketovscissors (DE)
Pupp:kakkbaggrlull (NL)
No John (BE)
Neurobit (NL)
Peter Quistgard (NL)
Man Manly (DE)
Androgene Collective (NL)
Impostor (BE)
Penthotal (US)
Laffe Mietjes (NL)
Bram Stadhouders (NL)

from 3 to 8 PM
Ns Plein 16


Chouilles / 15-17/02/08 - Le Placard
« le: février 13, 2008, 16:20:31 pm »
pour les bruxellois ça se passe surplace a l'IMAL http://www.imal.org/
pour les autres streaming et autres infos la: http://www.leplacard.org/2008/placardBXL/

    17:00 15/Feb/2008 (CET)
    03:00 17/Feb/2008 (CET)

this placard is taking applications!
(you'll have to log in first if you want apply to perform)
see full details

.17:00 (CET)    .jumbojet. - .l'été en février. - (+)
- .sarcastic raga zen.
.17:30 (CET)    .christiaan cruz. - .bruxellesprouts. - (+)
- .streaming from ybl,California.
.18:00 (CET)    .juju. - (+)
- .smiley.
.18:30 (CET)    .yannick franck & lucille calmel. - .tbc. - (+)
- .à ce jour : voix / calme /chamallow.
.19:00 (CET)    .klstr. - .untitled.
- .lobotomies symbiotiques.
.19:30 (CET)    .............. - .............. - (+)
- ................
.20:00 (CET)    .souffle.... - .breathing.... - (+)
- .souffle minimum.
.20:30 (CET)    .moufle. - .chicon magique. - (+)
- .démultiplie la force <<< o >>>.
.21:00 (CET)    .Sébastien Biset (sepia hours). - .A mon avis c'est la fin. Ce sont des choses qui arrivent.. .. - (+)
- .téléologie anomique.
.21:30 (CET)    .aernoudt jacobs / t m r x. - .............. tower ............ room ............ white. - (+)
.22:00 (CET)    .Stefaan Quix. - .Some Notes On Scelsi. - (+)
.22:30 (CET)    .penskyplochingen. - .another brick in the firewall. - (+)
- .we don't need no reeducation.
.23:00 (CET)    .martiensgohome. - .spaceless like radio waves, like electric space. - (+)
- .utter ironic silence.
.23:30 (CET)    .martin gomez y su orchesta. - .now that the parachute has opened. - (+)
- .does it make you feel good?.
.00:00 (CET)    .xulfni. - .first tumoric influx. - (+)
- .free man.
.00:30 (CET)    .Bram Borloo & Lieven Martens. - .sounds for the pole shift. - (+)
.01:00 (CET)    . OS125 steack de bourgeois pour les pauvres. - .OS125 riich meat for the poors. - (+)
- .free improvisate Arch-Noise.
.02:00 (CET)    .OS125 Vers l'Outre Espace. - .Forward Outer Space. - (+)
- .théorie de la relativité générale-core.
.02:30 (CET)    .Klstr + f.mX. - .sfx _Tension relaxation. - (+)
- .à voir.
.03:00 (CET)    .Tzii. - .Rotten Solitude. - (+)
- .despaired ritual drones with acoustic sources (trumpet, metal junk...).
.03:30 (CET)    .abdomen explanation. - .Sounds 4 2B3. - (+)
- ....pffff..
.04:00 (CET)    .perdition in your a**. - .plouf . . .. - (+)
- ....re pffff..
.04:30 (CET)    .make a wish . . . lorraine. - .miam. - (+)
- ....re re pffff..
.05:00 (CET)    .La salsa du Mouflon. - .vitesse maximale : 50 km/h. - (+)
- ....re re re pffff..
.05:30 (CET)    .bis repetita non placard. - .femina edere. - (+)
- ....re re re re pffff..
.06:00 (CET)    .This is the start . . .. - .my only friend . . . the start. - (+)
- .Multiplexage.
.06:30 (CET)    .Jupitter goes 400. - .Calling sun in a Quattrocento way Burnnnz ! ! !. - (+)
- .regulating chemistry valves / morning tellurism.
.07:00 (CET)    .Les Ouvriers du Trash. - .La Chaire à Patrons. - (+)
- .YAHARGLAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
.07:30 (CET)    .jumbojet. - .il ne faut pas dormir (trop tôt ou trop tard). - (+)
- .sarcastic raga zen.
.08:00 (CET)    .cédric. - .kukuche party. - (+)
- .(the guy from raymondo).
.08:30 (CET)    ---
.09:00 (CET)    .erik minkkinen. - .atomium spring. - (+)
- .horse meat and garlic.
.09:30 (CET)    .blue screen band. - .bongo men bubble men. - (+)
- .time travellers.
.10:00 (CET)    ---
.10:30 (CET)    .huur is duur. - .huur is duur. - (+)
.11:00 (CET)    ---
.11:30 (CET)    .Soresmile. - .winter songs for a summer soul. - (+)
- .sweet acoustic rock songs.
.12:00 (CET)    .tom carter and paul labrecque. - .the savage sounds of wallonie. - (+)
- .guitar duo.
.12:30 (CET)    .yenkell. - .folk drones from the sand. - (+)
.13:00 (CET)    .Aymeric de tapol. - .wind. - (+)
- .between natural soudsacpe and artificial sacpe.
.13:30 (CET)    .Median Carpal. - ."the somber sinister ep". - (+)
- .Xavier Dubois, seul. Rien ne bouge, sauf tes cheveux..
.14:00 (CET)    .GrgrEowy. - .SATAN. - (+)
- .Un guitariste tout simplement.
.14:30 (CET)    .Anatole & Nakamura. - .drooonneske.
- .pour une fois, geen noise !.
.15:00 (CET)    .nevroz. - .Internal injury. - (+)
- .dark ambient.
.15:30 (CET)    .clodo3000 + TITsANUS. - .jkl. - (+)
- .belgo lettrism international.
.16:00 (CET)    .partkdolg+guest(luneb). - .kakouette/pirouette/esclavage enfantine. - (+)
- .noise enfantin & bricole.
.16:30 (CET)    .in progess. - .zandos. - (+)
.17:00 (CET)    .Stefaan Quix. - .Three Monochromes: Red. - (+)
.17:30 (CET)    .anton aeki. - .Wroth with thee are the Æsir, and the Asyniur.. - (+)
- .i should be so Loki.
.18:00 (CET)    .Unenthullte. - .first steps. - (+)
.18:30 (CET)    .dallas simpson. - .Tabletop Sound Sculpture. - (+)
- .object improvisation.
.19:00 (CET)    .Björn Eriksson. - .Here, now, then - this is 1 84. - (+)
- .Warped audio in time and space.
.19:30 (CET)    .introduction iMAL live Brussel. - .introduction live of performances in Imal Brussel. - (+)
- .introduction live of performances streaming event in iMAL.
.20:00 (CET)    .iMAL live Brussel. - .live of performances in Imal Brussel. - (+)
- .live of performances during the streaming event in iMAL.
.20:30 (CET)    .iMAL live Brussel part2. - .live of performances in Imal Brussel part 2. - (+)
- .live of performances during the streaming event in iMAL part 2.
.21:00 (CET)    .iMAL live Brussel part3. - .live of performances in Imal Brussel part 3. - (+)
.21:30 (CET)    .iMAL live Brussel part4. - .live of performances in Imal Brussel part 4. - (+)
- .live of performances during the streaming event in iMAL part 4.
.22:00 (CET)    .iMAL live Brussel part5. - .live of performances in Imal Brussel part 5. - (+)
- .live of performances during the streaming event in iMAL part 5.
.22:30 (CET)    .end Imal live performances Brussel. - .live of performances in Imal Brussel. - (+)
- .live of performances during the streaming event in iMAL.
.23:00 (CET)    .aymeric hainaux vocal performance. - .aymeric hainaux vocal performance. - (+)
- .une voix, 2 micros, percussion vocale hardteck, chants, ritournelles et harmonica.
.23:30 (CET)    .les molaires de l'est. - .le president du conseil général vous a accordé le revenu minimum d'insertion. - (+)
- .un peu comme une mousse au chocolat mais en mieux.
.00:00 (CET)    .post comunism is dance. - .rotating round' da wall. - (+)
.00:30 (CET)    .explicitexplicit. - .the unkown album. - (+)
- .postofficepunkt.
.01:00 (CET)    .saibotuk. - .reel.love. - (+)
- .reel to reel machines making love to each other..
.01:30 (CET)    .one step inside. - .one step inside. - (+)
- .éléctronica.
.02:00 (CET)    .lmproductions XXX. - .untitled. - (+)
- .improvisation improductive.
.02:30 (CET)    ---

TT#9 - Flutwacht´s secondface remixed by:Tzii, Contagious Orgasm, Antracot, Bonemachine,  Matamore, Objekt / Urian, Synomorph, Terg,  Vincenzo Bossi, Xedh & amputation action remixed by Hyeno.

CD limited to 222 copies + CD&CD-R limited to 77 copies.


Chouilles / 05/03 PATTON ZU (Mike Patton & ZU Quartet)
« le: février 12, 2008, 18:08:11 pm »


Mike Patton will perform with his vocals, trough guitar amp with effects and electronics.
Zu is an instrumental trio made of drums, electric bass, saxophones, and electronics;
They are LOUD. Please don't ask them to play "quiet". Warn your neighbours!

About the World Premiere:

“One of the many highlight moments came in the encore — when things got harmonic before a late explosion — with PATTON offering a fiery vocal display of swallowing and heavy breathing, alongside some form of breathing through MAI’s saxophone, bringing to mind the seductive and experimental psychedelics of various ENNIO MORRICONE soundtracks. EVEN PATTON’s modified whistling sounded like birds; delightful in every sense of the word.”

Panpot.ca, Monday, May 22, 2006, Jay Jay Erickson

“(…) l’ex-chanteur de FAITH NO MORE s’est associé au superbe trio italien ZU, dont l’énergie incroyable puise à la fois dans le rock, le jazz contemporain et le bruitisme sauvage. Quelle interaction!”

La Presse, Tuesday, May 23, 2006, Alain Brunet

"Des sons nouveaux, de l’exploration, de l’expérimentation — tout ce qui inspire et stimule les gens qui ont soif de contenus nouveaux et originaux.”

(All found on this site)

19.30    doors
20.30-21.00    support
21.30-23.00    PATTON ZU

Chouilles / demain concert de KTL
« le: février 12, 2008, 18:06:31 pm »

jeudi, 14 févr. 2008, 19:00

EARTH a été fondé au début des années '90 par DYLAN CARSON. Avec ses sorties sur le célèbre label Sub Pop, le groupe est à l'origine d'un nouveau genre, une musique sombre et lente, fortement influencée par Black Sabbath et empreinte de doom metal et de drone. Sans EARTH, il n'y aurait jamais eu de Sunn O))) ou de Melvins. Fin des années '90, Carson, qui n'était autre que le meilleur ami de Kurt Cobain, s'est vu offrir un petit rôle dans 'Kurt & Courtney', le documentaire réalisé par Nick Broomfield sur la mort du leader de Nirvana. Après une longue période de silence, EARTH a soudain refait surface en 2005 avec une musique inspirée, selon ses propres dires, par la BO abstraite et épurée, composée par Neil Young pour le 'Dead Man' de Jim Jarmush. De quoi donner naissance au terme Black Americana. A noter que Mogwai et Autechre comptent parmi ses fans !
earth - myspace

Une collaboration unique entre deux mondes que tout semble séparer, avec d'un côté de l'électronica laptop poussée à l'extrême et de l'autre, du black metal pur jus. Et si l'on traduit cela par des noms d'artistes, on dira que KTL est le projet réunissant STEPHEN O' MALLEY de l'incontournable collectif drone SUNN 0))), et PETER REBERG alias PITA, le fondateur de MEGO (rebaptisé depuis Editions Mego), un label électronica particulièrement novateur pour l'époque. Le projet KTL est né suite au travail réalisé par les deux hommes pour une pièce de théâtre de Gisèle Vienne et Dennis Cooper, intitulée 'Kindertotenlieder' (d'où l'abréviation KTL), dont la première a eu lieu en France en 2007.
editions mego - ktl

La première partie sera assurée par SIR RICHARD BISHOP, un homme qui, dans certains milieux, fait figure de légende. Depuis 1981, il a réalisé près d'une centaine d'albums et de cassettes en compagnie des Sun City Girls, ces pionniers de l'ethno-improvisation. Depuis 2005, il évolue en solo à la guitare acoustique. Influencé par d'autres musiciens mythiques comme le swinguant Django Reinhardt, le guitariste Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin) ou encore le maître sitariste Ravi Shankar, son style singulier a donné lieu à des albums aux titres subtils dont 'Salvador Kali', 'Improvika','Fingering The Devil' ou, le dernier en date, 'Polytheistic Fragments' (Drag City). Nous avions déjà eu l'occasion de l'accueillir à l'AB en ouverture du concert de Bonnie 'Prince' Billy.
sir richard bishop - drag city

19h50-20h50: KTL
21h20-22h30: EARTH

en voila une bonne nouvelle!!!! peter christopherson (aka moitié de coil) et ivan pavlov (aka COH) qui se réunissent!!!!! wouloululoulou je sens que ça va etre bon.....gnnnnn

Peter Christopherson is very excited to announce he has convinced Ivan Pavlov to join his new duo, SoiSong.

Primarily located on the Eastern Pacific Rim, SOISONG will debut in Japan in March 2008, closely followed by Bangkok, and Singapore, but the band plans also to make some rare appearances in Europe during May June July.
They would also play in other regions of space late 2008 and into 2009, if invited by a serious institution.

The two-man show will combine Ivan's uncompromisingly-visceral computer based music with Sleazy's decadent, dark and whimsical approach to artificial vocals and 'South Seas' instrumentation...
The power and energy of Youth and the Russian Scientific Establishment
...with the filth, decay and corruption of English Maturity. ,-)

SOISONG has been brewing for months in the gloomy Soi's, or alley-ways, of Bangkok
- the world's most uninhibited Capitol city, where unlocked i-phones, hi-speed broadband, young brown flesh,
and indeed Life itself, all come cheap...
...Where the voices heard in the dark, across the heaving shanty towns, creaking over running sewers,
mingle the agonised cries of teenagers losing their virginity, with Revered Monks' dying Invocations...


SoiSong's first ep SOI-JIN-NO-HI
will be available for free download from www.thresholdhouse.com from March 2008,
and in a Collector's Specially Packaged edition, exclusively from the band at shows.
If any of this edition remain unsold when the following release appears, (likely an album in Fall 2008),
the remaining eps will be available by mail-order.


SOISONG rejects 95% of what you can hear now as banal and meaningless.

/...Not to be undertaken lightly.../

Tous a poil et plus vite que ça / brabançonne jump
« le: novembre 27, 2007, 08:39:46 am »

Chouilles / 07/12/07 - NOE present a WORLDWIDE NOISE CONSPIRACY
« le: novembre 17, 2007, 16:12:00 pm »

present a worldwide noise conspiracy

Industrial Harsh Noise, Powerelectronic and frightening ambient from Finland, Turkey, Japan, France and Belgium! come with your openwide fear, hatred and nightmares!!!!

liveacts by:

BIZARRE UPROAR (Freak Animal, Cipher - FINLAND)
COCHLEA (Braincrack - Japan)
K.OZ (Ytterbium - FR)
CRNO KLANK aka Kirdec (Syrphe rec - BE)

rue du magasin, 4
1000 Bruxelles

20h00 - 3H00
5 euros

BIZARRE UPROAR (Freak Animal, Cipher - FINLAND) - Powerelectronic

One of the longest running Finnish harsh noise acts, the first releases being released in the early  90s. 15 years of obscure tape, cd and vinyl releases followed, including cooperations with projects  like Bastard Noise, Grunt, Facialmess, Gelsomina, and labels like Freak Animal, Cipher, Musically  Incorrect, New Noise. Recently founding and solo member Pasi Markkula (also in Aunt Mary) has
decided  to bring Bizarre Uproar to the stage and a couple of shows were done in Finland. Now we are proud to  bring you the first Bizarre Uproar concerts out of Finland!
Recent "Liha-Evankeliumi" 10x 3" cdr series proved that Bizarre Uproar is going stronger than ever  before and are very determined to deliver a brutal set of total old school harsh metal junk noise:  filthy and disgusting, super
superharsh and very unpleasant!


ANALOG SUICIDE (Transmit rec - TURKEY) - Harshnoise

BATUR SÖNMEZ started all his experimental music projects in Istanbul, early 1998. When he founded "Atom Music - Atom Media" in 1999. He also found an idea for the musical scene in turkey called "Atom Music Movement ". He already has started some own experimental, electronic, noise & audio-visual projects such as Analog Suicide (analog electronic industrial noise music ) , Audio (field recordings), Radiophonik (Radiophonics ), Werk (industrial)... He released his CDs from Atom Music label .. He played & organized a lot of live performances in Istanbul. Dadaloop is one of his audio-visual project about Dada art movement. Dadaloop performed first live with turkish multimedia pioneer Teoman Madra in istanbul 2003. Analog Suicide and Mindscan( his another main project that is experimental electronic / sound art) joined Turkey 's the biggest international electronic music festival called "Phonem" in 2004. He also joined in 23.rd international contemporary artists exhibition in istanbul, 2004 with Mindscan .
In 2005, Analog Suicide was released a split cd with "Kazuya Ishigami a.k.a Daruin" from Japan. One track from Analog Suicide released by "Mothers Against Noise" compilation series. Now , BTR (a.k.a Batur Sönmez) "The blue code waveform" track on Beyond Ignorance And Borders compilation was released by Syrphe Recs.
Analog Suicide was on tour in Japan then Russia in 2006 ..
After the tours , He founded new label / promoter / studio called TRansmit // audio visual arts.
TRansmit started to organize new experimental electronic noise event series called “ Signals From Outside” in istanbul.
TRansmit// Recs released "Analog suicide & Astro - live in tokyo" colloboration cd in December 2006. Then, "Analog Suicide / Error - live in istanbul" split video was released . Analog Suicide video was re- released with new cover artworks . "Analog Suicide / Fire In The Head" split cd was just released by TRansmit//.
Analog suicide was on european tour in april 2007.. italy , slovenia, germay & austria.


K.OZ (Ytterbium - FR) - Industrial

dj/producer of labels YB70/ytterbium/ modulo -   more than 30 releases at this day. Promoter since 1995  of events Seppuku, Parazit and regularly with kod-ex association in paris.  He made discover for the first time to the french publlic liveacts such as Imminent, Iszoloscope, Somatic Responses, Venetian Snares, Vromb etc… known as one of the best DJ in France and Europe, his styles of prédilections are breackore, electro indus, technonoise, hardcore and pure noise.  he played in the biggest underground european festivals like Oscilloscope, Peace Off parties, Noxious Art Festival and Maschinenfest (only french DJ who has ever participated) and recently for the fifth time with Merzbow.


CRNO KLANK aka Kirdec (Syrphe rec - BE) - Drones

CRNO KLANK aka C-drík is a multifaced vegan artist, academically trained musician, dj, singer, composer and drummer. Former student of electroacoustic composer Annette Vande Gorne (Royal Conservatory of Mons, Belgium), he's an eternal voyager and is now on "never ending" world tour and performed in many countries such as Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Portugal, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Czech Republic, Turkey, United States, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, China, South Korea, Lao, Morocco, Indonesia, Sweden, Denmark, Israel. He started his first project in 1989 and juggles in between many projects and genres (electro, noise, breakcore, digital punk, electroacoustic, industrial, ambient, free jazz, etc.). His various other incarnations include Ammo (with John Sellekaers / Xingu Hill), Axiome (with Olivier Moreau), Moonsanto (with Sellekaers & Silksaw), Ambre (with Moreau & Sellekaers), Dead Hollywood Stars (with Sellekaers & Hervé Thomas / Hint), Tetra Plok (with Rob Dublo and Zoopsie), Elekore (with Marcos Destructos and Shaun Mindfuckingboy), Črno klank, Kirdec to speak only about a few. He collaborated or still works together with the following artists [live and or studio] : Mick Harris, Mark Spybey, Mathis Mootz, David Thrussel, Planet Aldol, Sato Yukie, Nakamura Yuji, Yan Jun, Wu Quan, Itta, Daytripper, Mimetic, Ha Jane, Lee Han Joo, One Man Nation, Cliquetpar, B6, 718, Contagious Orgasm, Naofumi Ishimaru, Goh Lee Kwang, Lau Mun Leng, Li Chin Sung, Cliquetpar, Xavier Depienne, Le diktat, Error, Gisèle Pape, Gregory Durez, Tri Minh, Hùng Nguyễn Mạnh, Nguyễn Van Cuong, The Seventeen Migs of Spring, Olivier Moreau, John Sellekaers, Hervé Thomas, Gabriel Séverin, Marc Medea, Pei, Stereo warfare.


COCHLEA (Braincrack - Japan) - Psychedelic Neuronoise

The Braincrack crew in Kyoto promote parties and run a small underground record shop, Cochlea is one of them and will bring you some Psychedelic and Neurodestructive noise directly from the reverse part of the world....


SOLAR SKELETONS (Marasm - Sun) - Powerelectronic

Solar Skeletons (Tzii and Ripit) will bring you faith, fear and guilty....this time with a special powerelectronic set, all new materials!!!! you'd better put your shades on, their rays will enblind you!!!!!


CREATURE (BE) - Frightening Ambient

Creature presents a story of the inner animal with sounds of the depths

Chouilles / R.I.P. Lady Jaye Breyer P-Orridge
« le: octobre 16, 2007, 16:53:19 pm »
Genesis Breyer P-Orridge and her reactivated Psychic TV aka PTV3 are terribly sad to announce the cancellation of their November North American tour dates. This decision is entirely due to the unexpected passing of band member Lady Jaye Breyer P-Orridge. Lady Jaye died suddenly on Tuesday 9th October 2007 at home in Brooklyn, New York from a previously undiagnosed heart condition which is thought to have been connected with her long-term battle with stomach cancer. Lady Jaye collapsed and died in the arms of her heartbroken "other half" Genesis Breyer P-Orridge. Being overwhelmed by the enormity of their loss, Genesis and the other surviving band members of Psychic TV/PTV3 are not able to properly meet the demands of touring and performance. Obviously, her absence onstage , the conspicuous loss of her unique charisma, music and humour would be an unbearable emotional reality to confront night after night. The group, who have been touring to promote their first studio album in 12 years, will announce future plans after an appropriate period of mourning.

Annonce pour l'atelier circuit bending du festival Cannibal Caniche: apres recherches bruxelloise approfondies nous sommes en fort manque de jouets electronique modifiable
DONC  on se disait qu'a belleville a paris ou ailleurs c'etait plus facile, nous demandons donc à tous de venir avec des jouets!!!!

Chouilles / nicolas lynch
« le: octobre 03, 2007, 09:41:26 am »
http://www.latribune.fr/info/Nicolas-petit lapin qui pisse derrière la tente-decore-David-Lynch-975-%7E-AP-CELEBRITES-CINEMA-LYNCH-petit lapin qui pisse derrière la tente-$Db=News/News.nsf-$Channel=Politique

« le: octobre 02, 2007, 15:06:57 pm »

Tous a poil et plus vite que ça / quand ardkorpedia est visionnaire
« le: septembre 04, 2007, 20:20:42 pm »
ceci me fait dire qu'ardkorpedia est decidemment visionnaire et en avance sur son temps car en effet la belgique n'existera peut-etre pas


Tous a poil et plus vite que ça / une performance noise
« le: août 31, 2007, 21:49:07 pm »
toujours en quete de nouveaux terrain, je me rends compte que les mariages allemands sont les bienvenus pour les perfformance "bodynoise"!!! une idée de booking peut-etre???

Chouilles / 28/09/07 - Night On Earth & Radon Uropa present 7 liveba
« le: août 25, 2007, 16:28:05 pm »


present 7 live bands Postfolk / Industribal voodoo / Psychedelic free blues / Bitchy Trashy

SIKHARA (radon - USA/FR)
THAR MAPSAL PROGRAM feat.Tzii (Cold Meat Industry, Night On Earth - FR/BE)
GAMABOY (Samboat - FR)

Magasin 4
rue du magasin, 4
1000 Bruxelles

20H00 - 3H00
5 euros


SIKHARA (radon - USA/FR) - Industribal Voodoo


  The tribal percussion project of Scott Nydegger has
played over 300 concerts in the USA, Europe and Japan.
  In 2004-2005, joined by drummer Yann Geofriaud, the
duo constantly circled Europe giving shows across the
  Last fall, Sikhara ended a 2 year European exile,
with a massive tour of the US, returning just 3 months
later for another jaunt, this time accompanying
legendary percussionist Z’EV.  
  In September, Sikhara returns to its French
homeland, to begin a Europe tour to present their
latest releases, “Bardos State” (URCK) “Tukano Khalka”
(a colab with Bastard Noise) and a split 7” with Z’EV.

TEMPLE OF BON MATIN (radon - USA) - Psychedelic Free Blues


Since 1991, headed by drummer/singer/poet/lecturer Ed WIlcox, Temple Of Bon Matin has known several line-up including :
John Mulvaney, Mark Lux, Trevor Dixon, Elliot Levin, Frank Bradley, Marc Denardo, Angelo Madrigale, Rick Brackbill, Linda
Searnock, Charles Cohen, Greg Chapman, Joe Zimmerman, Arthur Doyle, Vinnie Paternostro, Jay Reeve, Jim Flagg, John Price,
Mikey Wild, Steve Weber, Leslie Q, Steve Mackay, Mike Bell, John Stocks, Lora Bloom, Virginia Purdy, Daniel Melomedman,
Cory Neale, Eric Baylies, Daniel Carter, Marshall Allen, Scott Nydegger and Eric Desjeux. They had spread their Massive
Psychedelic Free-Blues over North and South America and Europe. and has been qualified by the CBGB's sound man
as the loudest band who played in this cult NYC club.

KOONDA HOLAA and the BEECHEES (Radon - USA/CZ) - Sad and sobbing postfolk


Literrally "Bold Pussy and the -beegees on beaches with bitches" is a project runs by Kamilsky, a czech virtuose
who, along his long carreer, played in F.P.B, Pseudo Pseudo, and with Uz Jzme Doma, Lydia Lunch and The Residents.
He's back on tour for his new album "The Sad and Sobbing Songs of Jameel Abdul Kebab", a new level in the
Post Folky Blues that smells Bourbon and Tears, Californian Desert and gun therapy.

LISOU PROUT - Bitchy Trashy punky


  French performer Lisou Prout crash landed into the
Radon compound as a part of Jean Louis Costes’ USA
tour, “Little Birds Shit”.   The duo circled the USA
giving 30 performances across the country.
  As a solo artist, Prout created a
bitchy-punky-trashy-french-disaster with her debut
solo cd, “Love is a Fart”. The disc features spastic
electronic beats, with shredding punk guitar and her
inimitable vocal stylings.  
   In autumn of 2007 Prout continues her collaboration
with Radon as she joins Sikhara, for a tour of France,
Belgium and Holland.

SOLAR SKELETONS (SUN) - Anti-phobik World Muzak


Anti-phobik sons of the big bang, coming at you to provide faith, fear and guilty......

THAR MAPSAL PROGRAM feat. Tzii - Psychedelic Industrial
(Cold Meat Industry, Night On Earth, Audiotrauma - FR/BE)


Thar Mapsal play the stone age music on labels Cold Meat Industry and Audiotrauma. They will be joined on this show by Tzii, an unstoppable corrosive frequencies worldwilde sprayer (Western and central europe, USA, Australia, Africa, Japan...)  

GAMABOY (Samboat - FR)- Industrial

Co-founder of the ]at:om[ collective and Samboat label Gamaboy has released his music on labels Cavage, Night On Earth and Samboat. Since 15 years his only goal as an electronic musician is to keep this particular industrial groove which make the gamaboy sound unique.

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